stillende Mütter








Una in fünf Farben
Una kommt in drei Farben. Alle Farben bestehen aus einer dunkel- oder hellgrauen Mélange und spiegeln die reine Ästhetik von Wolle.
Una is a beautiful and supporting interior at RestoraQi – Womens Yoga and Therapy.
When toddlers are in the house, Una immediately attracts attention. Toddlers find Una playful – especially the colorful wings, which are detachable. Una is always up for a hug or a ride with the children.
Una can also be used for yoga, and it’s especially great for back bends. If the mothers at my prenatal yoga classes are in need of yoga equipment for doing yoga at home, I often recommend the new mothers to get Una at home as it has so many great user options for both the mother and the children.

Founder of RestoraQi
Unsere Una liebt ein gutes Lagerfeuer.
Seit fast einem halben Jahr lebt sie bei uns auf der Ofenbank.
Sie wacht über das Wohnzimmer und ist ein ganz besonderes Kopfkissen.
Wenige Nähte zieren sie und mit ein bisschen Phantasie kann man sich ihr Aussehen bis ins Detail vorstellen.
Bald bekommt unsere Una Zuwachs. Die wird dann auf das Auto aufpassen und hoffentlich für noch besseren Schlaf im Beifahrersitz

Andreas Glück
Before our first daughter was born, we were gifted an Una as a pre-birth present. During my pregnancy, it provided excellent support to my growing stomach and quickly became a fixed part of my ‘pregnancy kit’.
When my daughter was born, we used it as a nursing pillow when breastfeeding as it provided great support and felt like it was tailored with this purpose. Una was also very handy during neck training and in the process of learning how to sit.
Today my daughter plays with it and uses it as a pillow when watching TV as it gives great support in seated positions.
Una has been a great support during my daughters first years and I am confident it will be in many more years to come.

Hani Iskandar Munck